Aug 29, 2024
Diet plays an integral part in staying healthy during winter. Here are some expert tips to help you up your winter nutrition game.
Up your fibre intake during the winter season. It is recommended that an adult consumes at least 30 g fibre every day.
Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by oxygen, peroxides and free radicals. Add foods high in antioxidants such as kidney beans, berries, and cinnamon to your daily diet.
Ensure you get plenty of these micronutrients as they contribute to immunity, help to heal wounds, maintain healthy bones, and more. Vitamin A, D, E, K and B complex are a few of the essential ones.
It is recommended to avoid foods that are too heavy, oily, deep fried, spicy and acidic in nature as they lead to vata and pitta (life forces) imbalance in the body.
Natural and herbal teas such as lemon, ginger and green tea have anti-bacterial properties. They keep your body immune, soothe your sore throat, and fight other body disorders.
Opt for seasonal vegetables and fruits such as sweet apples, apricots, berries, cherries, coconut, dates, figs, melons, oranges, pears, papaya, pumpkin, beans, etc.
Fruits that are exceptionally heating or sour such as bananas, cranberries, and green grapes are best avoided.