Our body is like a machine, and it needs maintenance. Sleep is the phase that takes care of the maintenance and clean-up.
If you’re facing trouble sleeping, follow these bedtime rituals by holistic lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho.
Switch off all gadgets and screens in the evening to reduce artificial light exposure.
Avoid heavy meals before you sleep or leave at least a two-hour gap between this meal and sleep time.
If you wish to have a warm beverage before bed, pick a herbal tea instead of a caffeinated drink.
Avoid exercising right before going to bed since the activity can raise your heartbeat and disrupt your sleep schedule.
Practice pranayama, anulomvilom or alternate breathing technique, these exercises are great to calm your body.
Stick to a particular sleep and wake up time daily. It will allow the melatonin hormones that control your natural sleep-wake cycle to work naturally.