The sojourn of sushi in India has an intriguing narrative of innovation and cultural fusion. Desi chefs and food lovers have tried varied versions of this Japanese classic, infusing flavours that cater to the Indian taste buds.
You will be surprised to know that a Jain version of this popular Japanese delicacy exists. A user on X named @pavbhajilover, posted images of vibrant sushi rolls stuffed with bell peppers.
Internet users were taken aback by the Jain version of sushi that replaced traditional non-veg fillings with bell peppers and other plant-based vegetables.
The snaps of Jain sushi made people believe that the dish was stuffed with tutti fruity bits and was served with sweet chutney. The original poster also revealed that the dish was served at a popular Marwari wedding.
While the traditional Japanese sushi consists of vinegared rice topped with salt and sugar, adorned with an array of ingredients like vegetables and meats, dominantly seafood, this veg version failed to connect with social media users.
If you are a vegetarian in India and have missed on this culinary adventure, this new contender in town - Jain sushi will give you a unique gastronomic experience.
This is not the first time that social media users were baffled with a Jain version of sushi. Earlier, an Instagram user had made ‘dal chawal sushi,' that had dal, pomegranate, garlic chutney as filling and was served with dal tadka.
Would you try this Jain sushi? Despite varied views, the evolution of sushi into different flavours continue to fascinate food aficionados.