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Oscar Nominated 'To Kill A Tiger' Trailer Shows Plight Of Rural Women In India

The executive producers of 'To Kill A Tiger' has been Priyanka Chopra along with stars Dev Patel and Mindy Kaling. The story of the Indian documentary needs to be told as it is heartbreaking.

The trailer of Oscar-nominated documentary movie ‘To Kill A Tiger’ starts with a voiceover and puts light on the horrific plight of women in rural India. It goes like, “Jis tarah auraton ke sath lagatar utpeedan ke mamle saamne aarahe hai, humein khud se poochna hoga kya hamare desh ke buniyadi dhanche mein koi kami toh nahi”… (In the way continuous cases of crime against women are happening, it makes us ask whether the fundamental framework of our country is strong). The statement evokes a sense of discomfort withing you. 

The trailer opens with a farmer Ranjit running pillar to post to seek justice for his daughter who was gang-raped. The scene then shifts to the young victim who despite being a school going girl reveals that she was coerced into silence by her rapists who threatened her to not disclose the incident to anybody. 

Nevertheless, Ranjit continues his thirst for justice, unmoved by societal taboos and threats. He tells in the trailer, "When I think of my daughter, my fear disappears." The trailer then shows a woman inquiring with a group of village women about their views on Ranjit's daughter being raped. They tell the victim to marry her rapist. The executive producer for the Indian documentary, actress Priyanka Chopra posted the trailer on social media and called it, "Truly remarkable". The documentary movie is set to release on Netflix and has Dev Patel and Mindy Kaling as the executive producers. Priyanka lately has become a part of 'To Kill A Tiger' team which has been directed by Indian-Canadian filmmaker Nisha Pahuja. 

 The actress was moved when she watched the film at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) back in September 2022. The documentary showcases the relentless thirst for justice by a dad on behalf of his daughter, who was a survivor of sexual assault staying in Jharkhand. Priyanka had taken to Instagram to mention, "I’m incredibly proud to join the team of this powerful documentary". The documentary has got widespread claim and has got more than two dozen prestigious awards. 

At the Canadian Screen Awards, the documentary received the Palm Springs International Film Festival, the Amplify Voices Award at the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Best Feature Documentary prize. The movie has resonated with the minds and hearts of everyone. Priyanka also mentioned that she was proud to be a part of the remarkable team behind the Academy Award-nominated documentary. She also revealed that when she first viewed the documentary, she was captivated by its narrative, showing a dad's battle with the judiciary to seek justice for his daughter.

Photo: 'To Kill A Tiger'/IMDB