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10 Compelling Benefits Of Mint Leaves You Can't Ignore

Mint leaves do more than just garnish food. Consume good old mint leaves to enjoy these 10 health benefits

Mint is an aromatic herb commonly found in kitchen gardens all over the world. Also known as pudina in Indian households, mint is a multipurpose ingredient that is used for flavouring and garnishing food items. When eaten raw, mint leaves leave behind a cooling and tingling sensation in the mouth. As a garnish for beverages and salads, and the main ingredient in chutneys—the leaves add a vibrant green visual element to the dish. But beyond its look and feel, there are plenty of health benefits of mint leaves making it one of the most versatile herbs to use.

Here are the ten health benefits of mint leaves you didn’t know about:

1. Relieves stomach troubles

As a child, did you ever complain of a stomach ache and were given Pudhin Hara? Well, now you know why. Packed with antioxidants, mint leaves promote digestive enzymes to reduce inflammation in the stomach and relieve the pain from indigestion. The importance of mint leaves is underestimated due to the easy availability of this herb. Mint leaves and oil have an anti-spasmodic profile that will ensure you experience lesser stomach troubles when consumed regularly.  

2.  Immunity booster

One of the many benefits of mint leaves is that of an immunity booster. Rich in calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, D, and E—mint leaves in your diet protect cells from damage and boost gut health.

3. Soothes irritable bowel syndrome

Spicy and greasy food triggers a common but painful stomach disorder. Irritable bowel syndrome causes stomach bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and abdomen pain. While you will need to tweak your diet in the long run, mint leaves and oil provide temporary relief by releasing menthol, a compound that loosens the muscles in the digestive tract.

4. Reduces acne

The importance of mint leaves goes beyond being just an edible herb. Mint leaves are very effective at calming acne-prone skin and reducing blemishes. Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties along with its salicylic acid, a compound that reduces skin redness and acne spots, helps treat breakouts.

5. Reduces bad breath

If you have popped a mint after having onions for lunch, try mint leaves the next time. A brilliant herb to combat bad breath, mint leaves have germicidal properties that instantly freshen your mouth. While fresh mint leaves cannot reduce bad breath causing bacteria, menthol toothpaste, chewing gums, and mouthwashes help improve oral health and keep decay-causing bacteria at bay.

6. Aids healthy weight loss

Among the many pudina leaf benefits, weight loss is a perk you cannot ignore. When included in our diet, raw mint leaves and mint tea boost digestion and speed up our body’s metabolism to burn calories faster. With no added calories or sugar content, mint leaves aid healthy weight loss.

7. Reduces respiratory allergens

Mint leaves are often recommended to patients with allergies and asthma. An anti-inflammatory agent with and antioxidants—the rosmarinic acid in mint reduces chest congestion and makes breathing easier. Consuming mint leaves orally or using menthol drops reduces cough and is a great herbal medicine to treat common colds.

8. Manages stress and depression

Mint leaves and their oil release an aroma that triggers the brain to calm down. Its adaptogenic properties manage cortisol levels and act as a natural stress reliever. Often used in aromatherapy, mint oil is used as a diffuser oil to rejuvenate the senses while mint tea helps alleviate depression.

9. Eases nausea and morning sickness

Nausea and morning sickness in pregnant women is triggered due to a sensitive digestive tract. Since mint leaves are used to reduce stomach pain, they are equally effective to curb nausea during pregnancy. The herb’s enzymes soothe an irritated stomach, and its menthol compound bring a fresh feel to your breath.

10. Improves cognitive functions

A superfood for our brain, mint leaves are believed to increase mental alertness and memory power. Fresh menthol compound in mint leaves, when consumed regularly, releases pleasant feeling enzymes that reduce fatigue, combat anxiety, and boost our brain functioning.

An undervalued herb, the importance of mint leaves in our daily diet cannot be ignored. You can grow this commonly found herb in your kitchen garden and enjoy its multiple health benefits. 

Photo: Shutterstock