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7 Green Flags In A Guy That Indicate He Is The Perfect Match For You

Checkout some green flags in guys, so that your man gets some more love and well deserved appreciation that he might be awaiting!

A romantic relationship is an achievement that rewards two people a lifetime of compassion and companionship that helps them grow in every aspect of life. It is a relationship that not everyone but most adults choose to trust beyond their blood-bound relations — for it’s a commitment that is presumed to be the finest of all relationships that people get to live. However, with so much of that goes into building a relationship, women these days often tend to notice red flags in a guy but fail to even think about green flags in a guy. This could be the case because it’s easy to blame than it is to appreciate.

However, let’s explore some green flags in man so that your guy gets some more love and well deserved appreciation that he might be awaiting! 

Green flags in man 

He has emotional intellect to respect your boundaries

Nikita Korchagin/ Pexels

Two having emotional intellect is very imperative for any relationship to work, it is a magnet that attracts understanding, love and respect. If he is somebody with great emotional intellect, then it’s a green flag that you can’t ignore, like he respects your boundaries, recognizes that you cannot compromise your identity in order to be in his life, and shows you that he loves you beyond just physical intimacy.

He is a good listener 

Yan Krukau/ Pexels

Another area to check for green flags in a guy is to note their listening skills. A potential good partner should maintain eye contact, actively listen during conversations, and verbally validate information you share. He might respond with a nonverbal cue to let you know he is paying attention, or he might simply repeat what you said in new words.

Also, the following? He might even remember specifics from your conversation. Now that you are aware of it, you can stop playing mind games and know that he has actually listened to everything you have to say and is seriously interested in you. That's calming, isn't it?

He is not a typical male chauvinistic 

Diva Plavalaguna/ Pexels

If he doesn't think that men and women should be confined to traditional roles in society, he admires whatever you two can accomplish together. Keep him, sweetheart; there is nothing more than what you would cherish. Men with zero male ego are difficult to come across. 

He allows you your own space and freedom

Andrea Piacquadio/ Pexels

You had friendships, a job or school, extracurricular activities, and interests outside of relationships before you met him. You may have felt pressured to give up things in previous relationships in order to appease your partner, and you may have accepted that as normal. However, such pressure would not come from a good partner.

Your new guy will make a non-clingy, non-controlling partner if he pushes you to go after your hobbies and interests and bolsters you in them. If you haven't experienced this level of independence from past relationships, that's what you should search for. Naturally, you should also grant him his independence and personal space in this situation.

He is upfront and truthful about the alliance

ANTONI SHKRABA production/Pexels

These days there are many different types of relationships that people manage to have, like long-term partnerships, casual dating and hookups. If the man you've recently met is open to discussing his current relationship status with you, that's a positive sign.

He wants you to know where he stands at this moment, of course, and that doesn't mean it won't change over time. Perhaps he is currently into casual dating. This information is helpful as you decide how you want the relationship to develop. You also know that he doesn't manipulate other people's emotions.

If that's where he is right now, keep it casual. Tell him how much you value his candor, of course.

He regularly follows up with you


If you are in a healthy relationship, he should at least be considerate enough to follow up with you to find out how your day went and whether there is anything that has been bothering you. This does not mean he has to keep track of everything you do or check up on you every hour. He just should know how you are feeling and if he does go for him, dude, he can be the ideal green flag guy you were looking for. 

He treasures people you care about

He decides to show consideration and kindness to the significant individuals in your life. It's not always the case that the people one dates will agree to this. He will not pass judgment or condemnation on a friend or family member who's beliefs may differ from his. He'll just accept them as a natural part of you.

Photo: Avery Arwood/Pexels