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Hair Care: These 5 Fruits Can Help Keep Your Hair Healthy

Include these five fruits for hair growth and thickness, and say goodbye to all your hair problems for good.

We all dream of having long luscious locks that are voluminous and shiny. With big dreams come bigger efforts, and the same goes for healthy hair. Some of the best foods for good hair are fish, eggs, and leafy greens. While everyone tries to include vegetables in their diet, what we forget are fruits. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, the best fruits for hair growth are easily available around the year.

The health of our hair and skin is directly related to the food we feed our body. Feeding your body with processed junk, using excessive chemicals to treat your tresses, and still dreaming of healthy tresses? Well, it’s time for a reality check. You need to eat healthy for the sake of your hair. Fruits and vegetables for hair growth not only boost new sprouts of hair but also ensure they are nourished with strength. Consuming a diet of fruits for hair growth is a healthy and tasty way to fuel your body.

5 fruits that can make your hair healthy

1. Bananas  

Wondering which fruit is good for hair? It's bananas. Easily available all year round, bananas are packed with potassium, fibre, magnesium, and natural oils that improve hair texture and elasticity. With a more manageable mane, you will experience less breakage and split ends. Whether eaten or applied as a mask topically, bananas are one of the best fruits for hair growth and thickness.

2. Papaya  

Which fruit is good for both skin and hair? A crowd-pleaser in the fruit kingdom, papaya is a nutrient-rich hair food that reduces age-related baldness and activates follicles to promote the growth of new healthy hair. Strengthening hair from the roots, papaya is among the best fruits for hair growth. It clears dandruff and the leaf of the fruit works as an excellent conditioner to restore dull, lifeless locks.

Love the papaya leaf hack? Try these hair care tips for girls looking to reinvent their hair care game.

3. Oranges  

Loaded with antioxidants and vitamin C, oranges are one of the most important fruits for hair growth. Like bananas, you can find oranges in your local market throughout the year. Eating an orange regularly improves blood circulation on the scalp and boosts hair growth. You can also squeeze fresh orange juice as a part of your everyday breakfast diet, it’s delicious and extremely healthy.

Dry and grind the leftover orange peels to make an overnight hair mask for soft luscious locks. Love home solutions for hair? Try these everyday kitchen ingredients to whip up a DIY mask for your dull tresses.

4. Apples

 Ask us which fruit is good for hair growth and scalp health, and our answer will be an apple. An underrated superfood, apples are a crunchy, juicy, and delicious mid-day snack. Loaded with antioxidants, soluble fibres, and vitamins, apples are among the best fruits for hair growth.

5. Gooseberries

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, deserves the status of superfood. Amla is packed with eight times more vitamin C than an orange, two times more antioxidants than an acai berry, and 17 times more nutrients than a pomegranate! The most commonly used fruit for hair care for grey hair, amla has a sour taste that is best enjoyed in berry bowls and salads. The fruit is also rich in hair pigment and is often used in homemade hair oils to reduce premature greys and improve hair texture.

A fruit a day keeps bad hair days at bay. If not all, try to include at least two of these fruits for hair growth in your daily diet. 

Photo: Shutterstock