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There Is More To ‘Movember’ Than Moustaches

Mo-November? Movember? Here’s your guide to understanding the month dedicated to men.

Tejashee Kashyap

With the month of November upon us and International Men’s Day being observed on November 19, it is time we take care of the men in our life. This month is dedicated to creating awareness about men’s health issues, in particular mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. 

Social media is buzzing with hashtags such as #NoShaveNovember and #Movember with men showing off their facial hair in all its glory. Let’s find out what Movember signifies for men.

What is Movember?

When you hear the word ‘Movember’, what does it signify to you?  Men? November? Yes, related to that, the word is a portmanteau of moustache and November. Well, rather than being another trend on social media, it’s a global charity movement initiated by Movember Foundation. Movember encourages men to grow a moustache as a conversation starter about men’s health and personal commitments to their health. 

What does Movember signify?

Being an international movement, it is dedicated to the awareness of the well-being of men with a focus on mental health and suicide prevention as well as prostate and testicular cancer. 

How it all started

The movement started in Australia in 2003, when the need to raise serious voices for men’s health was felt. Social conditioning and expectations have made it difficult to have open conversations about mental sanity serious health conditions in the fear of being deemed ‘unmanly’. Movember Foundation turned 18 this year and over the years has active participation in around 20 nations. 

How to participate in Movember?

If you want to seriously participate in Movember, there are some rules as per the official website. But before we unveil them to you, those who take part are referred to as ‘Mo Bros’ by the charity. 

  • For the entire month of Movember, each Mo Bro must grow and groom a moustache.
  • Use the power of the moustache to create conversation and raise funds for men’s health.
  • Each Mo Bro must conduct himself like a true gentleman.

Don’t confuse Movember with No Shave November…

Yes, while both the movements may surround around men and moustache - both cater to varied causes of their own. The ‘No Shave November’ was started by another organisation, Mathew Hill Foundation, as an effort to encourage people to donate for cancer research what they would otherwise spend on hair grooming.

But, do you really need a moustache?

To be honest, beard growth differs from man to man. Not every man can grow a moustache, a stylish beard and that must not be taken as a token of masculinity only. Can’t grow a moustache? That’s perfectly okay!

The organisation wants to put focus on men’s health, conversations around their choices, mental health and not succumb to the societal stereotypes that go around the male community.  

Photo: Shutterstock